Petrić has only scored one relevant goal for Croatia- the one that sent England packing early for their 2008 summer bvacation/b. He has scored 10 goals for Croatia in 30 appearances, but 6 have been against Andorra. ... As far as Croatian strikers, I would take Suker, Boksic, and bVlaovic/b over any one of our strikers today. Remember Eduardo is coming off one the most devastating injuries in EPL history. There is no guarantee that he will ever be 100%. ...
me and my family left the country in the times of war, i was 5 years old at that time. and since than all my links to the country are just when im down for bvacation/b and to visit my family. i live, study and work in germany - i am b...../b I remember watching Suker, Boban, bVlaovic/b and some of the players today play for club and country. They would all play with more heart and passion once they throw on that Croatian shirt. The question that you and everyone else on here fail ...
b.../b parte de ese sue?o croata del Mundial de Francia allá por 1998 junto a unos compa?eros que jugaron o jugaban en nuestro fútbol: Suker, Jarni, Boban (éste jugaría en el Celta más tarde), Stanic, Stimac, Asanovic, bVlaovic/b o Prosineski. b..../b No le verás ser decisivo con otra camiseta, al menos al máximo nivel, bestate/b tranquilo por eso. El R. Madrid insisto, debe estar por encima de las personas. ?OK? @ zaragocista. Está claro que Luis Aragones tiene su parte de culpa, b.../b